“Oh my god. Catharine, what’s my last name!?”

“Yes, I’m bleeding!”

“I want you to put an octopus on your head…now are brains are being controlled.”

“My hat is my life.”

“We have literary sex.”

“When I’m a grownup, I’m going to wear footy pajamas.”

“It’s not a vase, it’s a vaaz, damn it.”

“If I had to describe my life in one word I would say wax-paper. With a hyphen.”    
“…it’s a confidence issue, like wearing colorful underwear.”

“She has magic powers. I mean like sort of…she could grow a chia pet, maybe.”

“Man, I wish I were a ghetto underdog.”

“Euler was an oily bastard.”--Carolyn B.
“I bet he had a mustache.”--Ellen L.

“What do you call a group of people?”--Jesse
“Stupid.”--Ellen L.

“Placebos, parameciums, they’re the same thing.”

“I’m disinterested in this because it doesn’t have Greek hoes in it.”

“Parker Ogden, you’re a woman!”

“Metaphors are dirty. I hate them.”

“We don’t call it hazing. We call it stabbing.”

“It’s on some romantic island, like Russia.”

“Math is more important than bathroom.”

“Bubbliest laptop ever.”

“And by ‘we’ I mean ‘me’.”

“You know what’s like the metric system except stupider? The British.”

“It’d be like electing Jesus.”

“It’s called a gelatoid or something. It’s like a robot made of gelatin.”

“That’s why I’m going to kill her, because she’s not giving me attention.”

“It’s like Gollum, but except for countries.”

“My fingers don’t like fingers.”

“You have no idea how grouped I am right now.”

“I’m not mocking you, I’m mocking with you.”

“Fruit snacks are like Jesus, you can’t throw them.”